How To Resize Images For Whatsapp Dp?

Whatsapp has become the leading and most used social media platform for communication purposes all around the world. It has more than 1.5 billion monthly active users which makes it the most popular app. You can add your image as its DP but it should not be large. The ideal size for WhatsApp display pictures is 192*192 pixels for mobile phones with screens larger than 5 inches and for screens smaller than 4 inches, it is 140*140. Preferably, it should be 500*500 px. Moreover, it supports only two formats, JPG and PNG images. To meet these WhatsApp display picture requirements, our bulkimageresizer tool is extremely effective for adjusting the pixels of your pictures for social media platforms. We take pride in offering the finest image resizer tool that can generate images of your desired size within seconds.
How to Set Whatsapp Display Picture Without Cropping
Whatsapp has a feature for adding your photo on its display picture which anyone from your contact number can see. However, the settings can be changed and you can also display it to everyone. During the process of adding your image on Whatsapp DP, it’s likely that you may face issues due to the image size. It happens due to the large size of the image that does not meet whatsApp DP requirements. That’s where bulkimageresizer comes in. This tool not only works as an image compressor or convertor but is also used for resizing images. It resizes the image for whatsApp display picture in the following way.
Step 1
Open the website “Bulkimageresizer” on any browser.
Step 2
After opening the website, you will see three options, resizer, image converter, and compressor. Select the ‘image resizer’ option among them.
Step 3
Click the option ‘Choose an Image’ and add a single or bulk picture that you want to resize from your folder. You have a drag and drop option too.
Step 4
Customize the size of your image by giving the required dimension and percentage of the display picture. Add the length and width of the resized image.
Step 5
Click on the “Resize” option.
Step 6
Click on the download button to save your resized image.
Step 7
Now you can upload this picture to your WhatsApp display picture without having the need to crop it.
A Whatsapp display picture is an important thing as it presents you, your personality, your emotions, and so on. A WhatsApp account with no display picture appears boring. Thus it must be updated with time. This user-friendly bulkimageresizer tool has made it easy for people to adjust the picture pixels according to the requirements of WhatsApp display pictures. Moreover, if you have an image other than JPG or PNG format like Webp, the converter can convert it into the required format in no time. Now you can update your WhatsApp dp without any hassle.